Friday, February 28, 2025

Happy Economic Blackout Day!

February has been nothing but bad news all month long. I even tried to delete the press coverage from my phone just to get a break from all the terrible things that the orange felon and his billionaire minion were inflicting upon already disadvantaged people. Not to mention all the stupid stuff like renaming the Gulf of Mexico and picking a fight with Canada. Unfortunately, all the outrageous acts by the current administration were back the next day. Thanks a lot, Apple.

I keep hoping the current situation will be like Conversation Hearts. They're stupid and you definitely don't like them but somehow you end up with a bag anyway. They show up in late January, uselessly sit around until they get tossed out around Easter. If that could only happen with real life! 

Speaking of Valentine's Day, I nearly ruined it this year when I accidentally put the red and white flowers His Madness got at the grocery store, in a blue vase! Ugh, nobody wanted to look at that! The white carnations moved to a vase of their own, in another room.

Then, to make matters worse, I made crepes for breakfast topped with strawberries, blueberries and whipped cream. Luckily, there were blackberries and mint in the fridge to break up another accidental, "patriotic" color scheme. Guess I didn't think that plate though either.


Luckily, flowers and crepes don't last forever and the next time HM went to the store he found some magenta ones. I arranged them in a white vase. Am I over reacting to the atrocities visited upon so many people by the current administration? No, and it's been very frustrating to not be able to do anything about it - until today.

It's Economic Blackout Day!

Yay! Finally, a way to fight back! Can I avoid shopping with giant retailers today? Absolutely. In fact, after being a life-long Target shopper, I plan to boycott them for as long as possible - along with all the other retailers who gave up their DEI programs as soon as the orange menace took office. Now, disentangling ourselves from Amazon is going to be a sacrifice. It won't be easy giving up next day deliveries and all the other stuff, but it will be worth it. 

Remember last Halloween? That wonderful time not so long ago, one filled with hope and optimism for the future? I saw a meme today that said "let's pretend it's October" and it was a good reminder that life was good once, and it was just last month! This is a terrible time for so many people. Those of us who can speak up have to speak up. Nothing will change if we don't work for it. HM and I found out about the 50501 Protest too late to join in and felt bad about missing it but there's another day of action on March 4. If we all do something, no matter what it is, things will change.

Sorry about the politics but everyone should have a voice.
We can all live together, it's not that hard.

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon! 

Friday, January 31, 2025

January 31st

Does anyone else spend the winter wondering what to do with their leftover pumpkins?

Since there are thirty-one days in January (like October), Burt and Kib rationalized that carving a pumpkin today, in honor of it being the 31st of the month, was an excellent idea. Plus, there would be one less pumpkin to shuffle around under the kitchen table. 


Ivy decided this was an excellent time to leave (and let them clean up their own mess). 
Actually, she decided to go shopping for Valoween decor in order to put off packing up the Christmas decorations for one more day. Also, she just wanted to get out of the house and didn't care whether she found anything or not.

After perusing the selection at Home Goods, she found the prospect of facing a holiday without any decorations to be not as bad as she had imagined. In fact, she was looking forward to it.

Still, she kept looking. You have to give Target points for trying a different angle, or is this a combo Valentine/Spring display? Were there chocolate bunnies on the lower shelves?

Eventually, she found something to bring home.  

The grocery store was the winner, supplying a bunch of semi-spooky striped roses and a bottle of wine. Neither of which will have to be packed up when the holiday is over. Not that they will even make it to Valentine's Day.

Happy January 31th everyone!

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon.