Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Some Winter Madness

 Last Friday, His Madness and I decided to get dressed up in our finest Groundhog Day outfits in honor of our personal weather prognosticator, Backyard Burt. Granted he is a plastic skeleton, not a hibernating rodent but honestly, isn't one shadow as good as the next?

Our winter has been a little odd this year. There have been lots of bright, sunny days where the temperature never got above zero but the strangest part was not having any snow! Yes! A winter with NO SNOW! It did briefly warm up and rain however so at least there was ice. 

Without any snow we were beginning to think an early spring might be in our future. So on Groundhog Day we had high hopes for a positive prediction. Once he had been pried off the couch and coaxed outside, Backyard Burt did see his shadow. According to legend, that means we have six more weeks of winter to look forward to. Fortunately, that is actually a few weeks less than the normal length of winter around here so we pretty happy with the outcome anyway. 

Then it snowed all weekend.

 Lets just say it didn't warm up either.
It seems like the dryness in the air is as bad as the cold. Why does Static Guard smell so awful?

We are now back to a more typical winter, just buried in a little less snow than normal.

Mother Nature did made things look a lot better.

She always manages to cover up all the eyesores . . . 

. . . and even threw in some extra sunshine to make it all sparkle.

Some were happy to resume their usual winter pastimes.

Others were not. 

Thank you for stopping by! How is your winter going?