Sunday, June 30, 2019

A very long absence and CB's Fifth Anniversary!

Honestly, it had not dawned on me until yesterday that it had been over three months since my last post! Who knew a few minor household catastrophes, a couple of garden projects and weeks of cold, rainy weather could make time fly by so quickly? Then I realized that today is the five year anniversary of this blog!

I had to get busy and put together a post asap!
When I first started this blog it was about plants and gardening but when the growing season ended in the fall I had to find something else to focus on. Luckily Halloween was just around the corner and a couple of skellies joined the flowers and critters of my backyard. 

Rounding up the skeleton crew wasn't simple because they had been banished to the closet during the endless chaos of vacations and house repairs. (They have been way too much of a distraction to too many plumbers and electricians in the past so they are best kept well out of sight.)

Eventually, they were unearthed and seem pretty happy to be seen in the light of day again.
Of course, Burt's left arm had come off but Ivy knew exactly who to call.

It was a job for Doctor Madness!

The reattachment went well, as always.

Ivy was there for moral support. Spencer just likes to watch.

Stewart was standing by with herbal medication . . for himself, in case he got nervous.

Then finally, the limb was restored to its former position.

So, we're all back now or at least until the next unforeseen event, ha! 
How dull would life be without a little calamitousness every now and then?

How is your summer going?

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon!