Being serial procrastinators, we are working hard to finish up all the Christmas preparations without getting into a panic. Then there's the impeachment. It's sort of like trying to drive past a car accident without gawking! You know it's not a good idea to slow down and look but you just can't help it.
The kitties don't like to think about politics, they would rather sit under the tree with the presents.
Although, they do occasionally leave a special gift there, maybe as a political statement?
Last weekend we were able to pry ourselves away from the news long enough to pick out a tree. Since they don't sell hats at our tree lot, HM decided to wear a wreath instead. A little silliness always makes the season bright, his nose even matched the bow . . . and it wasn't even that cold.
The wreath looks good on the door, too. Just wish I could find the battery operated lights that go on it. Obviously, we have a few issues to work out with that totally out of control garland around the pillars. As for now, it still makes me laugh so it will probably stay that way until we get embarrassed enough to fix it or Mother Nature sends some freezing rain our direction.
Trees are always an ordeal. Two things that always amaze me when we get the tree home; first of all, that it's still on top of the car; and secondly, it's always way bigger than I thought it was in the lot. Every year, it never fails. You'd think I'd learn.

After wrestling it into the living room, (through the front door, with the neighbors watching) Burt and Ivy got to work on the lights.
Don't try this at home. Seriously, they're plastic, they can't accidentally electrocute themselves.
The kitties worked on getting into the decorations. Stewart always gets distracted but since he's the smart one, the lid stayed on the bin until he got bored with trying to catch Spenser's tail.
Hanging ornaments on the tree was going really well until I noticed the news about the Hallmark Channel caving in to a right wing hate group and removing a commercial featuring a same-sex marriage! I have friends and family in the LGBTQ community so there was no way the over abundance of Hallmark ornaments I'd just put on our tree would be staying there. I'm not a fan of their movies, which is just a personal preference, but I do look forward to checking them out to see the holiday decorations and how they're incorporated into the set designs. Last Sunday night I went to their Facebook page to leave a comment in opposition to their actions and discovered their retraction and apology. It's great that they have reversed their decision and promised to be more inclusive but it's disappointing that they made such a mistake in the first place. It might be awhile before I get that special Christmas feeling from my ornament collection again.
The downstairs trees are almost done. Still no luck finding the star topper but hopefully it will turn up before Christmas. The crew is onto garland and houses next, along with baking, wrapping, cleaning and thank-you notes. Just six days to go, yikes!
Thanks for stopping by, are you all ready for the holidays?