Friday, April 17, 2020

A Celebration of Sorts

 In this neck of the woods, spring is more a state of mind than actual fact so celebrating its arrival is primarily an act of faith. For most of us this year, I suspect the Easter merrymaking was pretty low key and involved FaceTime or Zoom. Still, a virtual party is better than no party at all!

Mother Nature is such a comedienne. Even before it snowed our temperatures were hovering around 40°F. on a good day, so it was pretty obvious that an egg hunt wasn't happening outdoors.

That wasn't such a tragedy, being in lockdown resulted in some unusual surprises.

The selection of springtime and Easter decorations this year was completely hopeless even before the lockdown. Honestly, aren't designers allowed to use their imaginations anymore? Of course it's pointless to keep bemoaning that fact but thanks to some inspiration from Quarantine-O-Ween, Ivy decided to add some old friends to play with all the bunnies and chicks.


That put a whole new perspective on the situation. 

Back in mid-February these plush Peeps bunnies showed up at Target alongside their edible versions. I thought they were the perfect size for sofa pillows and they have become our stay-at-home, couch potato besties. The fourth one, in the classic Peeps yellow, has been impossible to find, which is probably for the best. I believe these sweet little guys are the first home decor items I've ever purchased in the candy aisle.

HM did find some ham in the freezer and oddly, that went a long way in recreating the Easter dinner vibe that I grew up with at my grandma and grandpa's. As for the classic carrot cake for dessert, the smallest bag of carrots HM could find was this whopping five pounder! Unfortunately, it has been postponed. Somehow we forgot to get the cream cheese for the frosting (an absolutely crucial part!) and there was no running back to the store this year!

What can I say? Sometimes you just have to improvise.

Another notable absence was the chocolate eggs but thanks to the Girl Scout Troops of the Northwestern Great Lakes, we had an alternative. Would it be spring without Samoas and Thin Mints? They went great with our boozy coffee and crunchy marshmallow bunnies.

Hope everyone is doing well. It looks like in our state we are facing another six weeks of staying at home but all we can do is adapt and make the best of the situation. Easier said than done but now that it's spring we are half-way to Halloween! 
Be safe, stay healthy and have a good weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

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