Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Some silliness makes the season bright!

A lot of us missed our friends and family during the holidays this year. I was mainly focused on keeping in touch with everyone through cards and phone calls, getting together online and hoping the gifts we sent arrived. It wasn't until I accidentally hit something on my phone and it started showing me photos I'd taken last year, that it dawned on me that Christmas is a lot more than just widespread panic! It was a good reminder not to forget all the little things about the holidays that make us smile, like the Wisconsin Gas Building in downtown Milwaukee. Just the name alone still makes me laugh.

These are the Hanukkah lights. During the rest of the year the "flame" at the top changes color according to the weather forecast and also serves as a navigational light for boats on Lake Michigan. Naturally, I only think to look at it during the holidays, ha!


At Christmas time our local art center transforms itself into the story of the Nutcracker and the adjacent Conservatory becomes the Cupcake Cafe.

 The cake pedestals get taller and the selection of treats gets more outrageous each year!

This season, due to Covid restrictions, the Sugar Plum Fairy was given the holidays off along with the dancers and musicians. The rooms of the art center were still decorated as usual and it was open by appointment to keep everyone safe. I did miss seeing those ridiculous cake stands. 

With none of our family nearby we spend a good bit of time in airports but the live music and festive decorations at the Milwaukee Airport make it a very merry place. I first noticed Santa flying around overhead last year, I wonder how long has he's been up there, ha!

Every spinach quiche needs a red and yellow pepper Christmas Tree.

Each year His Madness attempts to make cut-out cookies and ends up with varying results. I have the easy part, adding the sprinkles. Most of the time they turn out just fine.   

    Let's just say there was an issue with the timer this year but we ended up with a few edible ones. We had a good laugh over them. If 2020 was a batch of Christmas cookies it would still look worse than these. 

 Seriously, how did I get out of the store without setting off any alarms? Are they just for show because obviously (and fortunately), it doesn't hinder anyone from opening the bottle. We will probably drink it all before it goes off in the middle of the night and scares the kitties.

Grocery store flowers aren't really silly (not these anyway) but it's just great that they sell them! It will be nice to go Christmas shopping in the stores again. Online shopping is a wonderful convenience but no substitute for wandering around a department store decorated for Christmas. Of course, it helps to have most of your shopping done before indulging in that activity. I even miss those annoying Salvation Army bell ringers but I think they should stop ringing their bells, out of courtesy, while you're fishing around in your purse for cash! Still, grocery stores and Targets are better than nothing and I shouldn't complain. It's three weeks until the inauguration, better days are ahead!

Thanks for stopping by, stay safe and wear your masks! 

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