His Madness came home with these roses from the grocery store and I only just noticed that they look sort of patriotic in that vase. Ha! They're really deep pink and cream but that makes them even more appropriate, considering the diversity of the new administration. It may appear to be just another pretty bouquet but it's really saying, Whoo Hooo! The Fascist, misogynist dictator is gone!
It's been a very long wait for this change in leadership, so HM decided we needed an extra special dessert. It took him twenty minutes to cut out the letters to decorate his blueberry pie.
An Inaugural Pie, complete with the palindrome date.
Who doesn't appreciate a nerdy math reference? (duh, Republicans)
Next, as if there wasn't already enough carbs in the pie, he decided to bake some French-Style Country bread. You can tell a person has been isolated for too long when they start incorporating different styles of preferments into their obsessive bread baking.
It began with this poolish preferment (I Googled both those words to make sure he just wasn't making stuff up). Basically it's a starter, which is a mix of flour, water and yeast that sits around the kitchen for up to sixteen hours constantly needing to be moved out of the way.
Then, it requires more time to rise, which took place in the largest cast iron pan we have but only took an hour. To be fair, it does taste great so we will be going on lots of long walks until it's gone.
On Friday, January 22nd we observed National Answer Your Cat's Questions Day. Not exactly a date for celebrating in our house, Spenser needed a pen.
While Stewart was simply offended by the very idea of speaking to his staff.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Condolences to Andy and all the Packer fans.
Stay safe and don't forget to wear a mask!
That pie was beautiful!