Friday, January 13, 2023

The Holiday Crazies

Normally, Friday the 13th would be the perfect reason to do a spooky blog post, right? Unfortunately, due to experiencing my second slightly disastrous Christmas in a row, my house is currently in full tilt Happy Holiday mode, without one creepy corner (outside of the basement) to photograph the Crew in. Oh, well, there's another one coming - in October, ha!

We're probably not the last people with our decorations still up, at least I hope so. In my defense, it seems like I just got it all done. When your friends and relatives are scattered from coast to coast, Christmas becomes more of a concept than a specific date on the calendar. For our family, it's been a fluid holiday for a long time and since I tend to be a serial procrastinator, that can be both a good and a bad thing. We've never managed to get together prior to the 25th, but usually we celebrate before New Years. Once it even stretched into late January, still all that really matters is that we get to see each other and have a good time. 

This holiday season started out pretty typically . . . for us. During last year's fiasco with my broken ankle and the non-existence of fresh cut trees, we bought an artificial one for our living room. No matter how much I wanted to go back to a real tree, it just didn't make sense. We did get a fresh wreath and garland for the front porch so at least our car got to smell like Christmas.

The rest of the decorating went smoothly and by Christmas most of it was done!

Ivy took the photos for the yearly card and even got them in the mail in time.

Burt and Kibitz were very cooperative and held really still.

There were still cookies to bake, presents to wrap and some complicated ethnic recipes to puzzle out, but the preparations were moving along. 

Then the first virus came down the chimney, followed by a few of its friends. They weren't serious and didn't take too long to get over (the worst parts, anyway) but they just kept coming. At least it did provided an opportunity to get the online shopping done.

Plus Spenser was happy to have someone to keep him company while he watched YouTube.

In the end we coughed and sneezed our way through to the New Year and had a good time, too. Then while driving back from the airport, it dawned on me that I didn't take one single photo! What? Apparently being so focused on what hadn't been done, made me forget about what was really important, duh! The lesson I've finally learned from the last two Christmases is that you never know what's going to happen so it's a good idea to plan for the worst. I think hope for the best, plan for the worst is the actual saying but maybe it should also include, and don't forget to take pictures!

A belated Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates.

Happy New Year and Happy Friday the 13th, thanks for stopping by!

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