Friday, October 18, 2024

Four Pumpkins and a Squirrel

The Skeleton Crew is still putting the finishing touches on their spooky season decorating. Meanwhile, our weather remains firmly in summertime mode, which is completely ruining the whole vibe.

Still, there have been a few hints that fall is on the way.

Like our new visitor, who has been very busy emptying all the bird feeders in the neighborhood.

Then burying whatever he doesn't eat in our flower pots and window boxes. To be fair, the little guy is just preparing for winter and the plants aren't going to last that much longer anyway.

However, we suspect this is the same critter who's been chewing holes in all the pumpkins.

In spite of all the gnawed up bits, Burt and Ivy are harvesting their best pumpkin crop ever!

They are thrilled to have grown four, sort of large-ish pumpkins. 

Now, if they could only remember what they did differently this year.

What was behind this unusual outcome? Could it be due to the abundant rainfall, an ultra rich layer of compost, some overhyped organic fertilizer or maybe it was just dumb luck? 

Will we ever discover the secret or will it remain a mystery forever?

Meanwhile, the squirrel remains vigilant, plotting his next move.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Thanks for stopping by, see you soon.

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