Monday, October 2, 2023

Not Exactly Halloween Decor Hunting

October second was a great day. It cooled off to 86°F. and no one showed up to pound on our house! Also, a crucial piece to our front porch was delivered, so it could be finished this week. 


The day after Labor Day, while our house was being painted and some repairs made to the front porch, things got very complicated. The work should have been done a couple years ago but because of covid it got put off and some relatively minor problems turned into major ones. Now, it's taken a building permit, two guys to level the concrete, 500 pounds of limestone, a finish carpenter, two metal fabricators and a whole lot of noise to put things right.


Spenser likes to make a high speed dash for freedom every time the front door is open, so I had to take this photo through the screen door. The new steps needed a level base and what the old ones were sitting on wasn't even close. It was a pretty strange process, shooting orange tubes through the cement and then blowing who-knows-what into them. Even with the funny pattern over it, you can see grey foam coming up between the seams. Fortunately, it worked and we didn't have to replace the steps and sidewalk. Wonder what the chipmunks thought about all that stuff filling up their tunnels?


Since the new steps would likely make everything else look shabby, why not complicate matters further and replace the lights on either side of the front door? We can't leave the electricians out!

It was supposed to be just a quick trip but you never know who you're going to run into.

Checking out the latest Halloween decor is always important.

Going anywhere with HM always ends up with some silly posturing.


Unfortunately, the creepy animatronics stayed at the store. They were entertaining but the current condition of the porch is scary enough. Good thing that crow wasn't real!

Back at home, Burt thought replacing the old lights was great idea and was happy to help carry them in from the car. (Like he's ever not happy about everything.)

Ivy and Kibitz agreed, but they were mostly interested in the rest of the haul. It's hard to go shopping at Lowes without picking up a couple boxes of twinkle lights, as well as a pumpkin or two, candy and one of the bargain succulents. At least we didn't bring home HM's chainsaw wielding friend.

Thanks for stopping by, and with luck, I'll see you tomorrow!

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