Sunday, October 22, 2023

Apples & Math

The countdown is into single digits!

Is seems like driving through a town called Appleton, on your way buy apples, would be something you'd come across in a novel. Considering there are more than a dozen orchards in the area, it's hard to believe I never made the connection between the name of the city and the fruit before. That white cupola in the distance is the Main Hall of the university our son Andy graduated from, so we've spent a lot of time here.   

Not that the orchard we were looking for was actually in Appleton, but we had to drive through the town to get to it. Since it was around lunchtime it seemed like a good ideas to stop at one of our favorite restaurants. The food is good but it's best feature is the view, especially on a beautiful day. 


Even the parking lot was looking good.

The people at the orchard were so friendly and helpful that I completely forgot to take photos. The prices were listed by pecks. A peck is a measurement of the space something takes up and there are four pecks in a bushel, as in a bushel basket. Luckily, they also sell them by the pound, which is a concept we could understand.  

There are six pounds of Honeycrisp apples in Ivy's bag. A peck of apples weights about ten pounds so she is carrying around six tenths of a peck.  

Kibitz was very confused by all this talk about pecks.

There were nineteen varieties to chose from so we tried to get two or three of each kind.
Now, how do we tell them apart? 

It's okay, once they're in a pie, will it really matter?

Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow!

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