Thursday, October 20, 2022

A Good Morning

It's Spirit Day!
Lend your support to someone you know.

The Skeleton Crew still haven't finished decorating and with only eleven days between now and Halloween, they need to get busy. Today, they woke up at the crack of dawn to finish decorating their new Halloween tree.

Ivy and Burt are definitely not morning skeletons and Burt sleeps like the dead.

After a great deal of coaxing, he finally managed to rally himself enough to get down to the kitchen and make a pot of coffee.

Kibitz went along to supervise him. He is very particular about his morning brew and wanted to keep an eye on Burt in case he messed up the measuring.

Earlier in the month the Crew decided it was time to break down and get a tree to decorate for Halloween. After a great deal of thought and discussion, they ordered a silver tinsel one from Target. They were torn between a black tree and a silver one. Eventually, after looking at all the ornaments they already had, they decided the black ones wouldn't show up as well against a black tree. Plus, with the silver one, if they changed their minds about having a tree at Halloween, they could just use it for Christmas.

To be honest, it was completely decorated already. They had been collecting spooky ornaments for years on the off chance they would some day decide to have a tree.

However, Ivy found lots of ornaments on clearance at Joann's - two weeks before Halloween! It was really sad, but they were sixty percent off, so she got over it and bought all the ones she liked.

Now that the tree is pretty well covered in ornaments maybe they should get dressed and get to work on the front porch!

Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow!

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