Saturday, October 29, 2022

Cats in the Kitchen

It's National Cat Day, give your kitty a hug - if they'll let you!

After taking a look around the kitchen, The Skeleton Crew realized there was a lot of cat decor. In fact, compared to cats, skeletons are really under represented in our Halloween decorations! Thanks to their rare cooperation, last year's National Cat Day post was all about our real feline masters roommates. Not wanting to push my luck again, this year, instead of focusing on actual kitties, let's see how much they dominate the seasonal look.  

The original plan was to take a look at all of the black cat decor in the house. Then, while Burt was making himself a cappuccino, he decided we should maybe just stick to one room at a time. Wonder why?

Who knew there was this much? Actually, most of these Halloween decorations were picked up on impulse at clearance sales in November. Apparently, after a decade or so, it starts to add up. The two Bastet figures were originally on the mantle until one Christmas they clashed with the stockings. Looking back, I should've just bought everyone new stockings in black. Santa wouldn't have cared, would he?

Down at the other end of the shelf, Kibitz is keeping an eye on his candy corn. I see the jar is still full.
So he came up with ten black cats on the coffee shelf (one is behind him, in case you're counting). 

A single tray over by the stove has some black cats on it but there's other spooky icons, too.

In the pantry, Burt saw some cats mugs and cats frightening other cats. 

He also found a cute kitty tin that holds the tea bags no one ever uses, along with a tray for serving that tea. They look lonely but in great condition. 

Then there are those functional things that we never find the time to make use of. At least these cookie cutters are in a really cute, slightly damaged box. Somebody must have used it.

Ivy has strict countdown calendar rules. 1. If a new one comes in, an old one has to go to Goodwill, no exceptions. 2. One per room. 3. Burt is not allowed to change them to dates that don't exist.

Kibitz is very good at finding every last cat image, especially ones that could be easily overlooked.
Why is that not a surprise?

Finally, Burt was quick to point out there was also a kitty on the bag he used for his genius solution to the snack overload problem.

Since we picked up a basket to store all the goodies in, he has decided to wear the empty bag as a hat, sort of like an ancient Egyptians pharaoh? Is he under the influence of Bastet or just being Burt?
The Crew eventually became completely overwhelmed and gave up the hunt without coming close to finding all the cats in the kitchen. Honestly, it's not that big a space and they didn't even look in the cupboards! Maybe they will have better luck next year in another room. 

Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow!

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