Monday, October 10, 2022

An Unexpected Walk

Since the crisp days of autumn are finally here, it's time for a nice long walk!


 His Madness studied history before ending up as an IT guy so he loves to visit places from the past that shaped the local area. I'm less enthusiastic about these historical sites. In the community where I grew up, nearly everyone lived on a farm that had been in their family for generations. Our ancestors hadn't been rich or famous but simply immigrant farmers. Still, the "relics" in the outbuilding on these historic estates always look exactly like the junk my Grandpa had in his shed. Naturally, I'm a little skeptical about their authenticity. Anyway, I agreed to go if we could stop for ice cream afterwards. So, the  historical site we were visiting was the Charles A. Grignon Mansion, in the town of Kaukauna. They were a family of French Canadian and Menominee People who were fur traders and later became lumber barons. 

Built on the banks of the Fox River, it was probably a beautiful place back in 1837 but today it overlooks Kaukauna Lock #5 and the Thilmany Paper Company. The latter adding the infamous aroma to the whole town and those nearby, if the wind is in the wrong direction.

The tour was thankfully short so we decided to take a closer look at the lock across the street.

Then we noticed a sluice and a ornamental waterwheel with a footpath running along side.

So we decided to follow the path and see just how far it would go.

It went in a fairly straight line and continued on for about half a mile.

The sluice itself took a more winding course and the current slowed down a lot.

Eventually, it joined back up the river and we turned around and followed the path back.
It's always great to take a walk on a beautiful afternoon!  

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow!

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